1. 招标产品的名称、数量、技术规格、资金来源:
2. 交货的地点和时间:北京市海淀区永定路50号,交货期为合同签订后3个月内。
3. 招标文件售价:800元人民币或120美元,文件售后不退。(邮购须另加100元人民币或20美元)。任何未在中化国际招标有限责任公司领购招标文件的法人或其他组织均不得参加投标。
4. 购买招标文件时间:2018年12月11日起至2018年12月18日止每天上午9:00~16:00(北京时间,节假日除外)。
5. 购买招标文件方式:需登录中化招标电子招投标平台(e.sinochemitc.com)通过网上支付方式购买招标文件。
6. 投标截止时间和开标时间:2019年1月4日下午14:00(北京时间)。
7. 投标文件递交地点和开标地点:北京市西城区复兴门外大街A2号中化大厦21层第2会议室。
8. 招标人名称:北京电子工程总体研究所。
9. 代理机构名称:中化国际招标有限责任公司
地 址:北京市西城区复兴门外大街A2号中化大厦20层
邮 编:100045
电 话:010-59369360/59368949
传 真:010-59369782
联 系 人:李京芳、何海军
Bid Notice
Bid No.: 0747-1840SITCR308
Date: 11/12/2018
International Tendering Co.,Ltd. entrusted by the purchaser, invites sealed
bids from eligible suppliers home and abroad for the supply of the following
goods and/or service by way of International Competitive Bidding and
traditional bidding.
1. name, quantity, specifications and sources of funds for the bidding:
Automatic test system for control system, 1 set
Technical specifications:
*It can provide interfaces for various modeling software such as C +, Matlab/Simulink and so on, from which each module of the control system can be imported.
……Others Specified in Bidding Documents
Source of the funds: Government Fund
2. Delivery time and place: No. 50 Yongding road Haidian district Beijing, Within 3 months of signing the contract.
3. the price of bidding documents: RMB 800 or USD $120 per package, and the documents will not be returned. (mail order must be 100 yuan or $20). Any legal person or other organization that has not purchased the bid invitation documents in Sinochem International Tendering Co..
4. purchase of tender documents: from Dec. 11th, 2018 to the end of Dec. 18th, 2018 every 9:00~16:00 (Beijing time, except holidays).
5. purchase of tender documents: purchasing tender documents on e.sinochemitc.com
6. Deadline for bid and time of bid opening:All Bids must be delivered to the following address before Jan. 4th, 2019 14:00 (Beijing time). Time for bid opening ceremony is Jan. 4th, 2019 14:00 (Beijing time), the representatives of the bidders are kindly requested to be present at the time.
7. Address for bid submission and bid opening: Conference Room 2, F21, Sinochem Tower, A2 Fuxingmen Wai Street, Xicheng District, Beijing
8. Name of Tenderee (or Purchaser):Beijing General Research Institute of Electronic Engineering.
9. Name of Tendering Agent: SINOCHEM International Tendering Co., Ltd.
Address of Tendering Agent: 20th Floor, SINOCHEM Tower, A2 Fuxingmenwai Dajie, Beijing 100045, P.R. China.
Tel: +8610-59369360/59368949;Fax: +8610 59369782;
Contact person: Li Jingfang, He Haijun